Learning Log Meeting 1 Journalism - Introduction to Journalism


Synopsis And Reflection Meeting 1 Journalism

March 6th 2023


Vocabulary Logs





Introduction to Journalism


March 6th, 2023


Smith, D. (2010). Introduction to Journalism. Student Activities Book. TEACHINGpoint. The Expert Systems for Teachers Series. United States of America

Learned vocabularies, pronunciation & part of speech, definition, and in context (e.g., in a sentence)

  1. advent = [ˈadˌvent]

        Part of speech: Noun

        Indonesian: kedatangan / datangnya


        the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.

        e.g., “the advent of television”


        Arrival, appearance, emergence, birth

2. Grant = [ɡrant]

Part of speech: Verb

Indonesian: menganugerahkan


agree to give or allow (something requested) to.

e.g., “a letter granting them permission to smoke"


Allow, permit, afford

3. Broaden = [ˈbrôdn]

Part of speech: Verb

Indonesian: memperluas


become larger in distance from side to side; widen.

e.g., “her smile broadened"


Widen, expand, spread out

4. Culmination = [ˌkəlməˈnāSH(ə)n]

Part of speech: Noun

Indonesian: puncak


the highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long time.

e.g., “the product was the culmination of 13 years of research"


Climax, pinnacle, top

5. Disparage= [dəˈsperij]

Part of speech: Verb

Indonesian: meremehkan


regard or represent as being of little worth.

e.g., “he never missed an opportunity to disparage his competitors"


Belittle, play down, downgrade






According to Brian Duignan in a Journalism article on the Encyclopaedia Britannica website, journalism was initially applied to the reportage of current events in print. But with the development of time and many technologies such as television, radio, and the Internet in the 20th century, reportage broadcasting expanded to include all media, both print and electronic. The first known journalistic product was a newsletter circulating in Ancient Rome by Acta Diurna that appeared before 59 BC. Acta Diurna originally recorded important daily events such as public speeches published daily and displayed in prominent places. In China, during the Tang dynasty, there was a court circular called Bao or "report" for government officials' Regular publications first appeared in German and Antwerp cities around 1609. The first English-language newspaper, The Weekly News, published in 1622. One of the first daily newspapers, The Daily Courant, appeared in 1702.

By the end of the 20th century, research had shown that journalists as a group were generally idealistic about their role in reveal the facts to the public       in an impartial manner. Journalism in the 20th century was characterized by a growing sense of professionalism. There are four important factors in this trend: (1) increasing organizations of working journalists, (2) specializing in journalism education, (3) developing literacy related to history, problems, and mass communication techniques, and (4) and This is an increase in the sense of social responsibility on the part of journalists.


After studying the material "Introduction and history of journalism", I became aware of the beginnings of journalism. How the news first appeared, which was apparently initiated by Acta Diurna in ancient Rome in 59 B.C.E. I knew at first that news was only posted on print media that contained daily news that was then pasted in prominent corners. Until then, news spread to electronic media such as television, radio, and the Internet. Then as the age grew, to meet the increasing consumer demand for up-to-the-minute and highly detailed reports, media outlets developed alternative channels of deployment, such as online distribution, and distribution. It is used for e-mail, and direct public interaction through forums, blogs, user-generated content, and social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. No less important, I also came to know the parts contained in the news such as headlines, namely news titles, bylines, namely the name of the news writer, quotes, namely direct speech quoted in the news, and leads, namely sentences that contain elements of 5W + 1H.




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